8 Şubat 2009 Pazar

KYC Compliance

Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance regulation has proved to be one of the biggest operational challenges banks, accountants, lawyers and similar financial service providers worldwide have had to overcome.World-Check, the industry standard KYC compliance solution, provides an overview of KYC compliance and its origins, and outlines the compliance mandate as applicable to banks, accounting firms, lawyers and other regulated financial service providers – not just in the UK, Europe and the USA, but all around the world. Relied upon by more than 3,000 institutions worldwide, this KYC database solution provides effective legal and reputational risk reduction.Why “Know Your Customer?”The 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre revealed that there were sinister forces at work around the world, and that terrorists activities were being funded with laundered money, the proceeds of illicit activities such as narcotics and human trafficking, fraud and organised crime. Overnight, the combating of terrorist financing became a priority on the international agenda.For the financial services provider of the 21st century, “knowing your customers” was no longer a suggested course of action. Based on the requirements of legislative landmarks such as the USA PATRIOT Act 2002, modern Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance mandates were created to simultaneously combat money laundering and the funding of terrorist activities.What is Know Your Customer (KYC)?Know Your Customer, or KYC, refers to the regulatory compliance mandate imposed on financial service providers to implement a Customer Identification Programme and perform due diligence checks before doing business with a person or entity.KYC fulfils a risk mitigation function, and one its key requirements is checking that a prospective customer is not listed on any government lists for wanted money launders, known fraudsters or terrorists.If preliminary KYC checks reveal that the person is a Politically Exposed Person (PEP), for example, Advanced Due Diligence must be done in order to ensure that the person’s source of wealth is transparent, and that he or she does not pose a reputational or financial risk in terms of their finances, public positions or associations. Beyond customer identification checks, the ongoing monitoring of transfers and financial transactions against a range of risk variables forms an integral part of the KYC compliance mandate.But to understand the importance of KYC compliance for financial service providers better, its origins need to be examined.Origins of Know Your Customer (KYC) complianceThe arrival of the new millennium was marred by a spate of terrorist attacks and corporate scandals that unmasked the darker features of globalisation. These events highlighted the role of money laundering in cross-border crime and terrorism, and underlined the need to clamp down on the exploitation of financial systems worldwide.Know Your Customer (KYC) legislation was principally not absent prior to 9/11. Regulated financial service providers for a long time have been required to conduct due diligence and customer identification checks in order to mitigate their own operation risks, and to ensure a consistent and acceptable level of service.In essence, the USA PATRIOT Act was not so much a radical departure from prior legislation as it was a firmer and more extensive articulation of existing laws. The Act would lead to the more rigorous regulation of a greater range of financial services providers, and expanded the authority of American law enforcement agencies in the fighting of terrorism, both in the USA and abroad.In October 2001, President George W. Bush signed off the USA PATRIOT Act, effectively providing federal regulators with a new range of tools and powers for fighting terror financing and money laundering. During July 2002, the US Treasury proceeded to introduce Section 326 of the PATRIOT Act, a clause that removed some key burdens for regulators and added significant enforcement muscle to the Act.What 9/11 changed, in essence, was the extent to which existing legislation was being implemented. Using the provisions of the earlier anti-terrorism USA Act as a foundation, it included the Financial Anti-Terrorism Act, which allowed for federal jurisdiction over foreign money launders and money laundered through foreign banks. Significantly, it is this anti-terror law that would make the creation of an Anti Money Laundering (AML) programme compulsory for all financial institutions and service providers.Section 326 of the USA PATRIOT Act dealt specifically with the identification of new customers (“CIP regulation”), and made extensive provisions in terms of KYC and the methods employed to verify client identities.In accordance with this piece of updated KYC legislation, federal regulators would hold financial institutions accountable for the effectiveness of their initial customer identification and ongoing KYC screening. Institutions are required to keep detailed records of the steps that were taken to verify prospective clients’ identities.Although current KYC legislation does not yet demand the exclusion of specific types of foreign-issued identification, it recommends the usage of machine-verifiable identity documents. The ability to notify financial institutions if concerns regarding specific types of identification were to arise, combined with a risk-based approach to KYC, proved to provide a robust mechanism for addressing security concerns.Effectively, the risk-based approach to customer due diligence grants regulated institutions a certain degree of flexibility to determine the forms of identification they will accept, and under which conditions.KYC compliance: Implications for banks, lawyers and accounting firmsThe KYC compliance mandate, for all its positive outcomes, has burdened companies and organisations with a substantial administrative obligation. Additionally, KYC compliance increasingly entails the creation of auditable proof of due diligence activities, in addition to the need for customer identification.


In een kort overzicht vind u hier de verschillende leenvormen. Voor de alle duidelijkheid staan hier de verschillen in het kort opgesomd.RekenvoorbeeldDe familie De Vries wil een lening aanvragen voor de verbouwing van de badkamer. Voor deze verbouwing willen ze € 5000,00 lenen. De familie De Vries wil zekerheid wat betreft de maandelijkse rente en wil tussentijds geen geld meer opnemen. Ze kiezen daarom voor een persoonlijke lening.Jan en Anita willen meer financiële bestedingsruimte. Tussentijds willen ze geld kunnen opnemen. Wanneer er meer geld beschikbaar is, willen ze ook de mogelijkheid hebben om meer af te lossen. Ze kiezen voor een doorlopend krediet.Lening vormenDoorlopend kredietWat is een doorlopend krediet?Een doorlopend krediet is er om over langere periode meer bestedingsruimte te hebben. U mag steeds geld opnemen tot aan de kredietlimiet, maar u mag ook minder opnemen.Tussentijds mag er altijd zonder boete worden afgelost. Dit krediet is handig wanneer u nog niet exact weet hoeveel geld u nodig heeft of wanneer u het geld nodig heeft. U betaald elke maand een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing.Voordelen:- Alleen rente betalen over het opgenomen bedrag- Tussentijds extra geld aflossen (boetevrij)- Meestal een eigen bankpasOversluiten van een doorlopend krediet:U heeft een lening of misschien wel meerdere leningen lopen. Het is dan vaak voordeliger om uw huidige krediet(en) over te sluiten. In plaats van verschillende afschriften, komt alles dan op één handig overzicht.Tussentijds een extra krediet afsluiten:Wanneer u geen achterstand hebt opgelopen met betalen en uw financiële situatie laat het toe, is het mogelijk om een nieuwe lening af te sluiten voordat de vorige is afgelopen. Een deel van het bedrag dat u leent, wordt dan gebruikt voor de aflossing van de vorige overeenkomst(en).Verhogen doorlopend kredietHet kan voorkomen dat naast uw doorlopend krediet nog behoefte is aan een extra financiële reserve. U kunt er dan voor kiezen om het bestaande krediet open te breken en vervolgens uw krediet te verhogen.Persoonlijke leningWat is een persoonlijke leningBij de persoonlijke lening krijgt u in één keer de beschikking over het geleende bedrag. Wanneer u een persoonlijke lening afsluit, weet u precies wanneer de lening eindigt. U spreekt namelijk van tevoren een looptijd af. Zo spreekt u bij een persoonlijk krediet eenmalig een leenbedrag en een looptijd af. U krijgt dit bedrag in één keer op uw rekening gestort. Vervolgens betaald u maandelijks een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing. In tijden van rentestijgingen biedt een persoonlijk krediet u zekerheid, want uw rente blijft ongewijzigd! Zo weet u precies waar u aan toe bent.Bent u van plan een nieuwe auto of caravan te kopen? Of wordt het tijd voor nieuwe meubels? Wellicht heeft u hiervoor gespaard, maar is het genoeg? Wanneer u extra geld nodig heeft, maar graag overzicht houdt in uw financiën, is een persoonlijke lening voor u een oplossing!Voordelen:- Uitbetaling direct ineens- Vast rentepercentage- Vast maandbedrag- Vaste looptijdVaste renteWanneer de rente stijgt is een persoonlijke lening ideaal. Mocht de rente stijgen, dan heeft dit geen enkele invloed op de persoonlijke lening. Deze rente blijft ongewijzigd.Stel u koopt een auto. Bij een persoonlijke lening spreekt u van tevoren af wat de looptijd van de lening is. U kunt deze lening bijvoorbeeld afstemmen op de levensduur van uw auto. Hierdoor voorkomt u dat de auto al is afgeschreven, maar u nog steeds moet betalen aan uw persoonlijke lening.SpaarkredietEen spaarkrediet is een doorlopend krediet, gekoppeld aan een kapitaalverzekering.Doorgaans betaald u voor een doorlopend krediet maandelijks een bedrag aan rente en aflossing. Bij een spaarkrediet betaald u echter alleen rente, die wordt berekend over het bedrag dat u heeft opgenomen. Gedurende de gehele looptijd kunt u tot uw kredietlimiet bedragen blijven opnemen.Daarnaast betaald u een maandelijkse premie voor een kapitaalverzekering.Met deze verzekering kunt u een kapitaal opbouwen om de lening af te lossen.Dit gebeurt met een kapitaalverzekering bij een gerenommeerde verzekeringsmaatschappij. De uitkering is gelijk aan de eindwaarde van de participaties en dus afhankelijk van de koersontwikkeling.RentekredietEen rentekrediet is een leenvorm voor particulieren die veel lijkt op een doorlopend krediet. Het grootste verschil is dat men bij een rentekrediet niet verplicht wordt om maandelijks af te lossen. Daardoor is het rentekrediet de leenvorm met de laagste maandlast. Deze leenvorm wordt ook vaak gebruikt om geld achter de hand te hebben, zoals bij een verbouwing of restauratie van bijvoorbeeld een oldtimer of ander duur verzamelobject. De looptijd van een rentekrediet is in principe oneindig. U lost immers niets af en betaald alleen rente. Ingezetenen van Nederland van 18 tot 65 jaar met een vast inkomen, wat niet mag bestaan uit een uitkering van de sociale dienst of de WW, kunnen in aanmerking komen voor een rentekrediet.Moneyweb.nl is in het leven geroepen om als bemiddelaar in geldkredieten informatie te geven aan consumenten op het gebied van hypotheken en leningen. Hierbij wil Moneyweb.nl de consument helpen juiste en verantwoorde keuzes te maken bij het afsluiten van een lening of hypotheek.Wij worden beloond door aanbieders op basis van doorlopende provisie voor wat betreft consumptief krediet en uit een mix van afsluit- en doorlopende provisie betreffende hypotheken en verzekeringsproducten. Bij eventuele klachten kunt u ons een brief sturen ter attentie van de Directie. Voor onverhoopte geschillen zijn wij aangesloten bij Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening.Moneyweb in English

ASC Process Systems

ASC is a leading manufacturer of specialized process equipment, control systems, and custom manufacturing software used in the composites, plastics, glass, solar, lumber, and concrete, coatings, and finishing industries. Our product lines include composite autoclaves, glass-laminating autoclaves, concrete autoclaves, industrial ovens, composite ovens, electroplating automation systems, process control software, autoclave control software, oven control software, and crane and hoist control software including scheduling. We're located in Los Angeles, CA and support thousands o
Autoclaves and other equipment
ASC manufactures a range of process equipment, including autoclaves, ovens, presses, heating systems, cooling systems, vacuum systems, and specialty pressure equipment. We also buy and sell used equipment.
systems and hundreds of customers w
Control & power systems
ASC is a leading supplier of control and power systems for a wide variety of equipment and industries. We specialize in PC-based and PLC-based control solutions. Our PC-based systems typically feature our industry-standard CPC control software package.
Software for controls and manufacturing
ASC can develop custom software solutions for a wide variety of manufacturing applications. Our CPC software is the world's leading software for control of autoclaves, ovens, and many other applications. Our FLEXTIME software is also the leading PC-based solution for electro-plating and anodizing control automation


Pyramid Hotel Group LLC (Pyramid), a Boston-based hotel development, management and ownership firm, today announced that Mr. Davis Sezna has joined the firm as president of La Quinta Resort & Club(R) and PGA WEST (R). In his new role, Sezna is responsible for asset management and community relations for both Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund assets.consulting firm focused on restaurant, golf course, private club, hotel design, master planning and development. He has spent 35 years developing, owning and operating hotels, golf courses and restaurants. "Mr. Sezna's vast and wide-ranging set of experiences make him uniquely qualified for this critical role." states Richard M. Kelleher, chairman and chief executive officer of Pyramid. "He will be representing Morgan Stanley's and Pyramid's interests in the further development and enhancement of these two remarkable, one-of-a-kind assets. We're proud to have someone of his professional distinction on our team." "I am struck by the sense of place, history and community evident in both La Quinta Resort & Club and PGA West. It will be an honor to be associated with these magnificent resorts. I have never before seen facilities with more ingredients, texture and just pure sensory energy. The chance to be associated with Pyramid and Morgan Stanley was also a significant factor in my decision to take on this responsibility," stated Sezna. La Quinta Resort & Club and PGA West are owned by Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund (MSREF) in partnership with Pyramid, as part of a portfolio of luxury resorts, recently acquired from CNL Hotels and Resorts, Inc. Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund is comprised of three major global businesses: Investing, banking and lending. Since 1991, the company has acquired $135.9 billion of real estate assets world-wide and currently manages $68.0 billion in real estate assets on behalf of its clients. A complete range of market-leading investment banking services for real estate clients, include advice on strategy, mergers, acquisitions, restructurings, as well as underwriting public debt, private debt and equity financings. As a global leader in real estate lending, Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund has offered approximately $156.0 billion of CMBS through capital markets since 1997, including $35.5 billion in 2006. For more information about Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund, please visit www.morganstanley.com/realestate. Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) is a leading global financial services firm providing a wide range of investment banking securities, investment management and wealth management services. The Firms employees serve clients worldwide. Pyramid Hotel Group LLC, founded in 1999, is a full-service hotel company that owns, manages and asset manages hotels and hotel construction and renovation projects. For more information about the company and its affiliates, visit the companyPyramid Hotel GroupJohn GreenSenior Vice President, Operations EastMr. Green brings over 30 years of hospitality experience to the Pyramid Hotel Group team. His ten year tenure with Wyndham International included five years as Area Director of Operations Northeast supervising as many as 19 hotels in Boston, New York City, Philadelphia and other domestic and international markets including Montreal, Toronto and Bermuda. General Manager assignments included opening the 4-diamond Wyndham Chicago and the Wyndham Myrtle Beach Oceanfront Golf Resort. Prior to Wyndham, Mr. Green was Vice President Operations for Signature Hospitality Resources and a Regional Vice President Operations for John Q. Hammons Hotels. During the 1980’s Mr. Green served with Doubletree Hotels as General Manager in Scottsdale, AZ, Overland Park, KS and Walnut Creek, CA. Larry VitaglianoSenior Vice President, Operations WestMr. Vitagliano spent 20 years with Doubletree, Hilton, and Promus Hotel companies as a general manager for hotels throughout the country. Property experience includes general manager positions at Doubletree Hotels in Seattle, Tysons Corner, Dallas, and Kansas City. He led the Antlers Doubletree Hotel in Colorado Springs from 1989 to 1995, and has now returned to the property under Pyramid's management. In addition to his general manager position at the Antlers Hilton Colorado Springs, Mr. Vitagliano oversees Pyramid's San Antonio, Texas hotel, the Crowne Plaza San Antonio Riverwalk.Alan BednowitzVice President, Sales & MarketingAlan Bednowitz is an accomplished sales and marketing executive with a track record of success at both the property- and corporate-level of hospitality organizations. For more than a decade he was affiliated with Promus Hotel Corporation (and its predecessor companies Doubletree and Guest Quarters), where he rose to the position of senior director, national sales. Prior to joining Pyramid Hotel Group, Mr. Bednowitz was vice president, sales and relationship management for StarCite, Inc., a meeting industry technology company.Edgar NugentVice President, Hotel AccountingMr. Nugent is a senior hospitality executive with more than 25 years of financial management experience. His 20-year tenure with Marriott Corporation took him from Texas to Panama to Saudi Arabia and Germany. Prior to joining Pyramid Hotel Group he was a partner in his own hospitality consulting firm, where he counseled hotel owners and investors seeking development support.Robert DiDucaVice President, Managing DirectorMr. DiDuca has 24 years experience in independent and franchised hotel operations including Marriott, Hilton, Doubletree, and Sheraton. He has also successfully transitioned more than 30 properties to new ownership and management including brand conversions. Renovation responsibilities consisting of over $40 million in project improvement have been executed. Mr. DiDuca, based in Boston, oversees hotels in the Northeast and Michigan and continues with Hotel Transitions.Harry GreenblattVice President, Managing DirectorMr. Greenblatt's nearly 30-year career began as a management trainee with Hyatt Hotel Corporation. Following a decade of food and beverage management experience, he switched to operations and began a lengthy association with Doubletree Hotels. During his 17 years with Doubletree Mr. Greenblatt was GM of the Doubletree Hotel Allen Center and Hotel Post Oak, both in Houston. Today he is general manager of the Houston Marriott Westchase with regional operations responsibility for Pyramid's additional Texas properties.Robert (Tico) Bevier, CHAVice President, Managing Director Mr. Bevier has 25 years of experience in the hospitality field, encompassing food and beverage, rooms, operations, and consulting. His affiliation with Pyramid began in 2003 when he consulted with the company on hotel acquisitions and transitions. His extensive hospitality career started with Hyatt Hotels; moving on to La Mansion Hotels; and then he spent 15 years with Hilton Hotels Corporation, mostly at the Doubletree Hotel New Orleans as General Manager. Immediately prior to joining Pyramid he was President of Expotel Hospitality Services for three years. Mr. Bevier remains in New Orleans with Pyramid, where he is responsible for the Maison Dupuy and the New Orleans Lakeside hotels.George McGannVice President, Managing DirectorGeorge McGann has over 25 years experience in the hotel industry, with over 10 years of this experience as a General Manager. He started his career in the food and beverage discipline, as a trainee for the Hyatt Corporation. Presently, George is General Manager of the Burbank Airport Marriott Hotel with regional responsibility for the Pleasanton Crowne Plaza (soon to be Marriott) and the Sonoma County Hilton. He joined Pyramid as the General Manger of the Crowne Plaza San Antonio Riverwalk Hotel. Prior to joining Pyramid Hotels, George was the General Manager/Complex General Manager for Starwood Hotels for over 7 years.Bruce CarltonArea Managing DirectorBruce has over 25 years of hotel experience holding various positions. After receiving his BSBA Hotel and Restaurant Management from the University of Denver, he completed the Corporate Management Trainee program with Hyatt. Most recently, Bruce was the GM at the Doubletree Hotel San Francisco Airport.Mark FallonArea Managing DirectorMark has over 25 years experience with both upscale independent and branded hotels. He managed the La Mansion Del Rio hotel in San Antonio, TX and then joined the team at Guest Quarters in Boston, MA Following his 11 year association with Guest Quarters, Doubletree, and then Promus, Mark was the opening General Manager at the Mystic Marriott Hotel in Mystic, CT and the Marriott Hartford Downtown at Adriaen's Landing in Hartford, CT. Prior to joining Pyramid, he was VP of Operations for Magna Hospitality Group


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15 Ocak 2009 Perşembe


Analytik Jena brings an innovation on the market — the contrAA® series — which exceeds the performance of conventional AA spectrometers in all parameters.
This new technology — High-Resolution Continuum Source AAS — represents previously unattained effectiveness
and quality of measurement results. Following decades of experience in the development of spectrometers and graphite furnaces and in cooperation with partners from leading research institutes, a vision becomes reality — the start of a new generation in AAS, with the contrAA® series, which finally closes the gap between ICP OES and AAS.

High-Resolution Continuum Source AAS (HR-CS AAS) covers the complete spectral range from the near vacuum-UV to the near infrared with a single continuum source, providing innovative capabilities. For the first time, genuine sequential multi-element analysis is implemented in AAS without the need for a multitude of different light sources.

At first glance:

Maximum versatility and flexibility
Guaranteed stability
Improved accuracy
Maximum information content
Speed for higher efficiency
New level of performance
Fast sequential multi-element determination for flame AAS
Simultaneous background correction
Full post processing of measurement (FPP)

Unique Flexibility
The xenon short-arc lamp as a continuum source is ideal for any element to be analyzed. No matter how frequently or seldom you have to determine an element, the HR-CS AAS instrument is immediately ready for measurement. You have every freedom for line selection, as the source covers the entire continuous wavelength range. All absorbing atom lines are immediately available, irrespective of the emission properties of the HCL (such as windows transmissive to UV or visible radiation). In addition, several new types of lines can be used for analysis.

Immediate Readiness for Measurement
The immediate readiness for measurement provided by HR-CS AAS is due to the fact that the lamp needs no fixed warm-up time to avoid output drift. Innovative correction algorithms continuously compensate any drift or fluctuation of the spectrometer including the source.

Improved Performance
HR-CS AAS features an improved signal-to-noise ratio and markedly better detection limits. This is due to the higher radiation density of the Xe continuum source compared to HCLs, and the enormously increased quantum efficiency of a CCD semiconductor detector compared to the photomultiplier tube commonly used in line-source AAS (LS AAS). HR-CS AAS is the first technique that c an efficiently correct spectral interferences in flame AAS by structured flames or molecule structures. This provides improved simultaneous background correction, and capabilities to correct spectral interferences to increase the accuracy of analytical results

9 Ocak 2009 Cuma

Caesars Palace-03

Location. With Roman-style Furnishings Of Marble, Gilt And Crystal, Caesars Palace Is In The Center Of The Strip In Las Vegas, Nev. The Hotel Stands Two Blocks From Sands Expo Center. The Flamingo/Caesars Palace Monorail Station Stands Across Las Vegas Boulevard On The East Side, And Shuttles Guests To Nearby Casinos Such As Harrah's Casino And Hotel, Bally's And Hard Rock Hotel. Walkways Connect Caesars Palace To Bellagio And Barbary Coast.
Hotel Features. Elaborate Frescoes, Marble Columns And Statues Amidst Bubbling Fountains Grace The Expansive Lobby. The Award-winning Restaurant Guy Savoy, The Parisian Restaurateur's Only United States Location, Serves Specialties Such As Artichoke Black Truffle Soup And Crispy Sea Bass With Delicate Spices. Pure, The Two-story, Four-venue Nightlife Destination, Features A Vip Room, A Dance Floor And A 14,000-Square-foot Outdoor Patio With Waterfalls, Walls Of Fire And Views Of The Surrounding Strip. The 4,100-Seat Colosseum At Caesars Palace Is Custom-designed For Theatrical Productions, Including Celine Dion, Elton John And Jerry Seinfeld. The Garden Of The Gods Pool Oasis Maintains The Roman Style With Cypresses, Palm Trees, Marble Columns, Classical Statues And Fountains Surrounding Three Pools And Two Spa Tubs. Waterfalls, Stone Flooring And Natural Light Envelop The Qua Baths & Spa, Which Offers Roman Baths, An Arctic Ice Room With Snow Falling From Above, Salt Glows And Massage. An On-site Tea Sommelier Matches Distinct Teas With Particular Treatments. Guestrooms. Caesars Palace's 3,348 Guestrooms Feature Sitting Areas With Chaise Longues, Armoires And Coffee Tables. Select Rooms Contain In-room Safes. Stocked Minibars Are Standard. Select Suites Offer Mini Fridges, Marble Dry Bars And Dining Tables. Jetted Tubs, Walk-in Showers And Double Vanities Grace Select Bathrooms. Expert Tip. Enjoy A Day Of Shopping At The 180 Stores Of Forum Shops At Caesars Palace, Which Simulates Ancient Roman Streets With Fountains, Statues And Facades. The Painted Ceiling Resembles A Sky And Goes Through A 24-Hour Day Each Hour. <****** language=**********> var fc_prod_null="null/null/null"; var fc_track="_null";
Property Amenities
Dry Cleaning Service
Wheelchair Accessible
Parking (valet) - Complimentary
Concierge Desk - Limited Hours
Arcade/Game Room
Full-Service Health Spa
Gift shop or newsstand
Room service (24 hours)
Medical assistance available
Conference room(s)
Currency exchange
Shopping on site
Express check-out
Babysitting or child care - By referrals
Internet public area - surcharge
Airport Transportation - $11 Roundtrip
Business center - 24 hrs/Fees Apply
Express check-in
Parking garage
Swimming pool - outdoor - Seasonal
Safe-deposit box - At Casino Cage
Exhibit space - 240,000 Square Feet
Fitness equipment - $35 Daily; 6am -9pm
Security guard - 24 Hours
Luggage storage
Area Attractions
Forum Shops - Adjacent Las Vegas Strip - AdjacentSands Expo Center - 2 Blocks Fashion Show Mall - 1.0 Mile Las Vegas Convention Center - 3.0 Miles Las Vegas Premium Outlets - 4.0 MilesDowntown Las Vegas - 4.25 MilesBali Hai Golf Club - 6.0 Miles
Driving Directions
From Mccarran International Airport:Approximate Distance To The Hotel Is Four Miles.Take Swenson Street To South Paradise Road.Turn Left Onto Flamingo Road West.The Hotel Is Located On The Right.
Property Information
Check In Time - 4 P.m.
Check Out Time - 11 A.m.
Credit Card Required
Deposit Required Upon Check-in
Floors - 30
Guestrooms - 3,348
Hotel Built - 1966
Hotel Renovated - 2005
Limo/Town Car Service Available
Minimum Check-in Age - 21
Multilingual Staff
Photo Identification Required
Tour Assistance
24-Hour Front Desk